
FERMA TALKS: VP European Commission Sefcovic interview & ''Collaborate for resilience'' panel : October 10 and 12, 2021

FERMA TALKS: VP European Commission Sefcovic interview & ''Collaborate for resilience'' panel : October 10 and 12, 2021 [Vídeo]. — Brussels : Federation of European Risk Management Associations, 2021
Donación realizada por AGERS en el año 2022
Sumario: Watch this face to face interview with European Commission Vice President Maro efcovic who is the Commission's leader on resilience and foresight. This interview provides key insights into the links between EU policy and risk management on the ground.
Followed by panel: Disruptions to corporate operations and strategic plans can have many causes. Some are within the organisation's control, IT systems changes, for example. Others have external triggers, such as a cyber-attack or natural catastrophe. We also see growing pressures for companies to have a wider purpose, not only creating shareholder value. Meeting these demands will require companies to anticipate and manage risks that could derail corporate objectives and damage their reputation.
Key functions in the organisation have to cooperate to achieve resilience. At the same time, each of them may have a different perspective. This panel asked for their views
1. Gerencia de riesgos . 2. Planes estrátegicos . 3. Riesgo tecnológico . 4. Ciberriesgos . 5. Catástrofes naturales . 6. Riesgo reputacional . 7. Resiliencia . 8. Entrevistas . 9. Documento AGERS . I. efcovic, Maro . II. FERMA . III. Título.