
Global manufacturing prospects 2023 : the CEO view: sustaining growth

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Souchet, Stéphane
Global manufacturing prospects 2023 : the CEO view: sustaining growth / Stéphane Souchet. — Amsterdam : KPMG International, 2023
16 p.
Sumario: The world economy is slowing down while technological change is accelerating. CEOs should not take their eye off the main prize: sustainable and profitable growth. To achieve it, they should recalibrate continuously while sticking to their core strengths and values. — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
1. Sector industrial . 2. Tendencias . 3. Sostenibilidad . 4. Transformación digital . 5. Cadena del suministro . I. McDonald, Grant J . II. KPMG International . III. Título.