
Hiscox online art trade report 2023

Hiscox online art trade report 2023. — London [etc.] : Hiscox, 2023
47 p.
Sumario: After the turbo-charged Covid-19 years, the market has returned to a more sedate level of growth. Looking back at the effects of Covid-19, two things stand out. Firstly, online buyers and sellers have become familiar, and that familiarity has increased the trust in online platforms. Secondly, the Covid boost in growth across the online art market has delayed the anticipated consolidation of the sector by effectively extending the lifespan of those that were struggling. That is likely to change in the next couple of years as a combination of a gloomy global economy and rising interest rates start to bite
1. Arte . 2. Venta a distancia . 3. Internet . 4. Estadísticas . 5. Galerías . 6. Obras de arte . 7. Ranking . 8. Comercio electrónico . I. Hiscox Group . II. Título.