
How insurers can support their customers in uncertain times : Guidewire insurance consumer survey 2023 UK

How insurers can support their customers in uncertain times : Guidewire insurance consumer survey 2023 UK. — San Mateo, CA [etc.] : Guidewire, 2023
11 p.
Sumario: Guidewire commissioned market research agency, Censuswide, to survey a representative sample of approximately 1,000 UK insurance consumers aged 18 to 55-plus years old. They were asked about how they view insurers, insurance products and services, as well as their perspective on data privacy, cost of living, and climate change in regard to insurance
1. Mercado de seguros . 2. Empresas de seguros . 3. Consumidores . 4. Opinión del cliente . 5. Cambio climático . 6. Protección de datos . 7. Encuestas . 8. Reino Unido . I. Guidewire . II. Título.