
Secure your third-party risk program with sustainable procurement

Secure your third-party risk program with sustainable procurement. — Concord : ProcessUnity, 2023
8 p.
Sumario: As regulators and investors continue to place greater emphasis on environmental and labor practices in the third-party ecosystem, companies must expand their risk management practices to account for the increased focus on these areas. As the risk gatekeeper of the organization, the procurement function not only selects and onboards the third parties fit for purpose, but also must evaluate vendors across these domains to avoid costly disruptions and regulatory penalties. — Ámbito geográfico: Internacional
1. Sostenibilidad . 2. Gerencia de riesgos . 3. Criterios ESG . 4. Estrategia empresarial . 5. Minimización de riesgos . I. ProcessUnity . II. Título.