
Geopolitical risk dashboard

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Geopolitical risk dashboard / Tom Donilon, Jack Aldrich and Stephanie Lee. — New York : Blackrock, 2024
9 p.
Documento relacionado: Hildebrand, Philipp . 2024 Global Outlook. Grabbing the wheel : putting money to work. - New York : Blackrock, 2024
Sumario: The global BlackRock Geopolitical Risk Indicator (BGRI) aims to capture overall market attention to geopolitical risks, as the line chart shows. The indicator is a simple average of our top-10 risks
1. Geopolítica . 2. Riesgos geológicos . 3. Conflictos armados . 4. Cadena del suministro . 5. Mercados financieros . I. Aldrich, Jack . II. Lee, Stephanie . III. BlackRock Investment Institute . IV. Título.