
Value and demand for genetic information and ambiguity aversion revisited

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Felder, Stefan
Value and demand for genetic information and ambiguity aversion revisited / by Stefan Felder, Dilek Sevim
Sumario: In this study, we contribute to the behavioral research on risk by analyzing how aversion to ambiguity changes the value of and demand for genetic tests. In particular, we analyze conditions under which ambiguity aversion leads to a higher value of genetic information
En: Risk management & insurance review. - Malden, MA : The American Risk and Insurance Association by Blackwell Publishing, 1999- = ISSN 1098-1616. - 15/07/2024 Tomo 27 Número 2 - Summer 2024 , p. 161-181
1. Salud . 2. Genética . 3. Cáncer de mama . I. Título.