
The Impact of retirement on health : Empirical evidence from the change in public pensionable age in Japan

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Chen, Fengming
The Impact of retirement on health : Empirical evidence from the change in public pensionable age in Japan / Fengming Chen , Midori Wakabayashi and Michio Yuda
Sumario: The balance between maintaining and enhancing the health, quality of life, and healthy life expectancy of the elderly and their corresponding social costs, including medical and long-term care expenses, is an important policy issue in the context of Japan's super-aging society. In this paper, we employ individual panel data from the four waves of the Japanese Study of Aging and Retirement to examine how retirement from the labor market affects the health of elderly males
En: The Journal of the economics of ageing . - Oxford : Elsevier ScienceDirect, 2021-. - 11/06/2024 Volumen 28 - 2024 , 13 p.
1. Jubilación . 2. Salud . 3. Envejecimiento de la población . 4. Salud mental . 5. Edad de jubilación . 6. Odontología . 7. Salud . 8. Calidad de vida . 9. Japón . I. Wakabayashi, Midori . II. Yuda, Michio . III. Título.