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Sección: Documentos electrónicosTítulo: Pension markets in focus 2024Publicación: Paris : OECD, 2024Notas: Sumario: This edition of Pension Markets in Focus provides detailed and comparable statistics on asset-backed pension systems around the world, with data up to end-2023. It builds upon preliminary data released in June 2024 and explores whether the growth in assets earmarked for retirement in 2023 was sufficient to offset the investment losses incurred in 2022, and how this growth in assets fits with the long-term trendRegistros relacionados: Documento relacionado: Pension markets in focus 2023. - Paris : OECD, 2013-2024Materia / lugar / evento: Planes de pensionesFondos de pensionesInversiones financierasBeneficiosContribuciones especialesPaíses de la OCDEOtros autores: OECD Otras clasificaciones: 345Derechos: In Copyright (InC)Referencias externas: