
Evaluating training programs : the four levels

Kirkpatrick, Donald L.
Evaluating training programs : the four levels / by Donald L. Kirkpatrick. — 2nd. ed. — San Francisco : Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1998
XVII, 289 p. ; 23 cm
Is a book designed for practitioners in the training field who plan, implement, and evaluate training program. The author supplements principles and guidelines with numerous sample survey forms for each step of the process. He includes detailed case studies of companies that have evaluated their training programs using one or more of the four levels
ISBN 1-57675-042-6
1. Programas de formación . 2. Evaluación de programas . 3. Empresas . 4. Casos prácticos . I. Título.
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación
FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE. Centro de Documentación — Signatura: 03 KIR EVA — Nº de registro: 033665
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