MAP20070043087 Risk Management Trends & the Supervisory Structure / Jaime Caruana. — Madrid : Geneva Association, 2004 Ponencia presentada en la 31st General Assambly of the Geneva Association, celebrada en Madrid del 27 al 29 de mayo de 2004 Introduction & overview -- Trends across financial services sector -- The structure of financial supervision -- Consistency of accounting standards and a Three-Pillar System -- Conclusion 1. Entidades financieras . 2. Gerencia de riesgos . 3. Congresos . 4. Servicios financieros . 5. Control de entidades financieras . 6. Control de riesgos . 7. Basilea II . 8. Banca . I. Caruana, Jaime . II. Embedded Finance & Super App Strategies . III. General Assembly of the Geneva Association (31st: 2004: Madrid) . IV. Título.