
First European commission report to the council on EEC relations with third countries in the banking and insurance sectors

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First European commission report to the council on EEC relations with third countries in the banking and insurance sectors
Sumario: Introduction -- The European single market in financial services -- Treatment of EC credit institutions and insurance companies companies in third countries - findings and conclusions
En: Bulletin quotidien Europe : Europe documents. - Bruxelles. - nº 1800, 3 October 1992 ; p. 1-10. - nº 1801, 7 October 1992 ; p. 1-9
1. Bancaseguros . 2. Unión Europea . 3. Mercado único europeo . 4. Servicios financieros . 5. Operaciones financieras . 6. Ronda Uruguay . 7. Terceros países . I. Título. II. Título: Bulletin quotidien Europe : Europe documents.