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MAP20071015722Toxicological investigations on silicon carbide : in vitro cell tests and long term injection tests / J. Bruch... [et al.]Sumario: Silicon carbide (SiC) dust and other dusts for comparison were injected intratracheally at a high dose into rats and the response of the lungs and the lymph nodes was studied after an appropriate experimental period. The indices studied were: histological changes in the lung and lymph nodes, organ weights, the formation of collagenous fibres, and the appearance of quartz typical areas. According to several epidemiological animal studies, SiC changes in the tissues studied in terms of damaging fibrogenic effects could be found after eight months and three and 12 monthsEn: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 9, September 1993 ; p. 807-8131. Medicina laboral. 2. Enfermedades profesionales. 3. Toxicología. 4. Carburo de silicio. 5. Enfermedades pulmonares. 6. Higiene industrial. 7. Tests. 8. Investigación científica. 9. Epidemiología. I. Bruch, J.. II. Título. III. Título: British journal of industrial medicine.