
Nerve function in workers with long exposure to trichloroethene

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Ruijten, Marc W.M.M.
Nerve function in workers with long exposure to trichloroethene / Marc W.M.M. Ruijten, Maarten M. Verberk, Herman J.A. Sallé
Sumario: Trichloroethene (TRI) has been applied in industry as a solvent and a degreasing agent since the beginning of this century. In medicine it was used as an anaesthetic and analgesic. The neurotoxicity of TRI has been established in both applications. Lesions of the cranial nerves, the trigeminal nerve in particular, were found after very high exposures. This investigation had two objectives: the first was to determine whether exposure to TRI at about the threshold limit value affects the peripheral nerve system and the trigeminal nerve in particular and to screen for symptoms of the central nervous system, the second was to study the feasibility of the proposed diagnostic methods
En: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 2, February 1991 ; p. 87-92
1. Medicina laboral . 2. Sistema Nervioso Central . 3. Contaminantes químicos . 4. Tricloroetano . 5. Riesgo laboral . 6. Disolventes industriales . 7. Toxicidad . 8. Neurología . I. Verberk, Maarten M. . II. Sallé, Herman J.A. . III. Título. IV. Título: British journal of industrial medicine.