
Chemical safety and health information and decision-making

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Ahmed, Iftekhar
Chemical safety and health information and decision-making / Iftekhar Ahmed and Daniel Wu
Sumario: Most plant safety directors lack expertise in chemical safety and industrial hygiene and must seek aid from outside sources. Consequently, decision-making will be influenced strongly by how the information is collected and the credibility of the sources. Common problems can be avoided by using a decision logic diagram
En: National safety news. - Chicago. - Vol. 124, nº 3, September 1981 ; p. 44-47
1. Riesgo químico . 2. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 3. Higiene industrial . 4. Productos tóxicos y peligrosos . 5. Empresas . 6. Información . 7. Toma de decisiones . 8. Fuentes de información . 9. Sistemas de información . I. Wu, Daniel . II. Título. III. Título: National safety news.