
Qualitative changes in recall memory during day and night shifts

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Maury, Pascale
Qualitative changes in recall memory during day and night shifts / Pascale Maury and Yvon Quéinnec
Sumario: The effect of time of day on recall of words and drawings was studied in 29 French shiftworkers. The aim of this study was to analyse experimentally the momorization of data presented on a visual display unit by shiftworkers working alternating periods
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 36, nº 1-3, January-March 1993 ; p. 289-297
1. Ergonomía . 2. Trabajo por turnos . 3. Tiempos de trabajo . 4. Memorización . 5. Psicología . 6. Psicosociología de la prevención . I. Quéinnec, Yvon . II. Título. III. Título: Ergonomics.