
Airborne endotoxin associated with industrial-scale production of protein products in gram-negative bacteria

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Airborne endotoxin associated with industrial-scale production of protein products in gram-negative bacteria / Russell B. Palchak... [et al.]
Sumario: Human and animal proteins of therapeutic value can be produced in E. coli, a gram-negative bacteria. Endotoxin, a cellular component, is reported to have clinically significant health effects. Operations had associated endotoxin levels ranging from 0.07 ng/m3 to 12.8 ng/m3. Utilizing a 10-fold safety factor under the threshold where clinically significant changes can be detected, an action level of 30 mg/m3 for large scale operations involving the use of E. coli was established. Operations conducted without engineering controls had maximum airborne endotoxin levels of 1812 ng/m3
En: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal. - Akron, Ohio. - Vol. 49, nº 8, August 1988 ; p. 420-421
1. Higiene industrial . 2. Contaminantes químicos . 3. Contaminantes biológicos . 4. Endotoxinas . 5. Ambiente de trabajo . 6. Bacterias . 7. Riesgo laboral . I. Palchak, Russell B. . II. Título. III. Título: American Industrial Hygiene Association journal.