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MAP20071020796Coury, Bruce G.Multidimensional scaling as a method for assessing internal conceptual models of inspection tasks / by Bruce G. CourySumario: Modelling the decision making component of inspection is hampered by an incomplete understanding of the way in which humans internally represent information about inspection tasks. This paper describes the use of multidimensional scaling (MDS) as a method for assessing the internal conceptual models used by inspectors. The results demonstrated the ability of the method to track the development of the decision maker's model during learning and revealed the relation between a well structured model and performanceEn: Ergonomics. - London [etc.]. - Vol. 30, nº 6, June 1987 ; p. 959-9731. Ergonomía. 2. Comportamiento humano. 3. Inspección de trabajo. 4. Toma de decisiones. 5. Metodología. I. Título. II. Título: Ergonomics.