
Variation in upper limb posture and movement during word processing with and without mouse use

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Karlqvist, Lena
Variation in upper limb posture and movement during word processing with and without mouse use / Lena Karlqvist, Mats Hagberg, and Kristina Selin
Sumario: Work postures and movements of the upper limb were analysed for 12 "mouse" operators and 12 "non-mouse" computer operators employed in word-processing work. The observations showed long periods of strenuous working postures for "mouse" operators compared to "non-mouse" operators. The authors believe that further investigations need to be carried out on the effects of word-processing techniques and to develop ergonomic work station designs for the "mouse" and other non-keyboard input devices
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 37, nº 7, July 1994 ; p. 1261-1267
1. Ergonomía . 2. Ordenadores . 3. Sistema hombre-máquina . 4. Postura . 5. Diseño . 6. Extremidades superiores . 7. Columna vertebral . I. Hagberg, Mats . II. Selin, Kristina . III. Título. IV. Título: Ergonomics.