
A Comparison of isokinetic lifting strength with static strength and maximum acceptable weight with special reference to speed of lifting

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Título: A Comparison of isokinetic lifting strength with static strength and maximum acceptable weight with special reference to speed of lifting / A. Garg and D. BellerAutor: Garg, Arun
Notas: Sumario: A laboratory study was conducted to determine the effects of the speed of lifting and box size on isokinetic strength and to compare isokinetic lifting strengths with static lifting strenghts and psychophysically determined maximum acceptable weightsRegistros relacionados: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 37, nº 8, August 1994 ; p. 1363-1374Materia / lugar / evento: Ergonomía Trabajo físico Fuerza muscular Operaciones de carga y descarga Valores TLV Psicofísica Cinética Estudios comparativos Otros autores: Beller, D.
Títulos secundarios: Título: Ergonomics
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