
Early smoke detection systems for churches

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Watson, William
Early smoke detection systems for churches / by William Watson
Sumario: Churches, and indeed a whole range of other buildings characterised by high ceilings or large open spaces encounter two major problems with respect to fire detection. Firstly, the smoke dilution and lack of smoke lift does not provide the smoke concentration necessary to actuate an alarm in standard smoke detectors. Secondly, even if people are present in the building, the human senses are often unable to detect the smouldering, incipient stage of a fire. For all these reasons a new form of fire detection is being installed in an incresing number of churches, cathedrals and other places of worship throughout the world, supported by the Ecclesiastical Insurance Group - the major insurers of churches. This approach uses aspirating smoke detection techniques - one such product is VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus)
En: Fire prevention. - London. - nº 284, November 1995 ; p. 18-21
1. Seguridad contra incendios . 2. Iglesias . 3. Detectores de humos . 4. Sistemas de detección de incendios . 5. Gran Bretaña . I. Título. II. Título: Fire prevention.