
Intellectual capital = competence x commitment

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Ulrich, Dave
Intellectual capital = competence x commitment / Dave Ulrich
Sumario: This equation suggets that within a unit, employees'overall competence should rise but that competence alone does not secure intellectual capital. Firms with high competence but low commitment have talented employees who can't get things done. Firms with high commitment but low competence have less talented employees who get things done quickly. Both are dangerous. Intellectual capital requires competence and commitment. Because the equation multiplies rather than adds, a low score on either competence or commitment significantly reduces overall intellectual capital
En: Sloan management review. - Boulder. - Winter 1998 ; p. 15-26
1. Empresas . 2. Recursos humanos . 3. Gestión por competencias . 4. Motivación . 5. Estrategia empresarial . I. Título. II. Título: Sloan management review.