
Measuring performance in OHS : using positive performance indicators

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Shaw, A.
Measuring performance in OHS : using positive performance indicators / A. Shaw, V. Blewett
Sumario: If your enterprise is like most others, the main measure you use to monitor and evaluate your performance in OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) will be Lost Time Injury Frequency Rates or other types of accident data. These outcome statistics are important data that need to be gathered and used in any workplace. Some interprises go so far as to advise shareholders about their performance in OHS according to accident data. This article review traditional approaches to OHS performance measurement and outlines a more effective approach. We see that there is both a need and a real opportunity to move away from accident data as a key performance measure
En: Journal of occupational health and safety. - New Zeland. - nº 11, 1995 ; p. 353-358
1. Seguridad e higiene en el trabajo . 2. Accidentes de trabajo . 3. Enfermedades profesionales . 4. Indice de frecuencia . 5. Ratios . I. Blewett, V. . II. Título. III. Título: Journal of occupational health and safety.