
Get the right mix of bricks & clicks

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Título: Get the right mix of bricks & clicks / by Ranjay Gulati and Jason GarinoAutor: Gulati, Ranjay
Notas: If you think you need to keep your Internet initiatives separate from your traditional business, think again. Many of the most innovative Internet players are integrating their virtual and physical operations. The key to success, they've found, lies in how you carry out the integration. In this article, we'll look at three established retailers that have taken very different approaches to integrating their physical and virtual operations. Their experience reveals the spectrum of choices available and illustrates some of the trade-offs involved in each choiceRegistros relacionados: En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - May-June 2000 ; p. 107-114Materia / lugar / evento: Empresas virtuales Internet Management Tecnologías interactivas Casos prácticos Comercio electrónico Otros autores: Garino, Jason
Títulos secundarios: Título: Harvard Business Review
Otras clasificaciones: 922.111
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