
Preventing the big hiss

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Hayes, Anna
Preventing the big hiss / Anna Hayes
With new legistation inminent that will place greater controls on the use of halon, the British Fire Protection organised a conference to address the concerns of halon users. The near-total phasing-out of halon instalation by the end of 2003, whitout unnecessary emisions, will only be archieved by responsible co-operation between users and the fire industry. FIC members will do all in their power to ensure that their customers - the end - user - are able to comply
En: Fire Prevention. - London. - Nº 331, April 2000 ; p.15-16
1. Extinción de incendios . 2. Sistemas de extinción . 3. Halón 1211 . 4. Protección del medio ambiente . 5. Gases contaminantes . I. Título.