
Executive management in insurance entities : a comparative study of mutual companies and joint-stock companies in Spain with a view to the 21st century market

Martínez Martínez, Miguel Angel
Executive management in insurance entities : a comparative study of mutual companies and joint-stock companies in Spain with a view to the 21st century market / Miguel Angel Martínez, Irene Albarrán and David Camino
Insurance in Europe and Spain: structure and trends -- Mutual companies and joint-stock companies: insurance entity management and administration; mutual companies and joint-stock insurance companies in Spain -- Research on executive management for insurance entities: comparision betwen mutual companies and joint-stock companies: general sample data; executive management analisys model; environmental factors; internal competitive factors; management systems; key factors for business future; strategic clusters
En: Geneva papers on risk and insurance : issues and practice. - Geneva : The Geneva Association, 1976- = ISSN 1018-5895. - 01/04/2001 Número 2 26 2001 , p. 206-231
1. Dirección de empresas . 2. Empresas de seguros . 3. Mutualidades de seguros . 4. Sociedades anónimas . 5. Sistemas de dirección . 6. Management . 7. Estudios comparativos . 8. España . I. Camino, David . II. Albarrán, Irene . III. Título.