
Integrating the enterprise

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Ghoshal, Sumantra
Integrating the enterprise / Sumantra Ghoshal, Lydia Gratton
Vertical command and control sabotages organizations that need bottom-up innovation to be competitive. Yet organizational integration is increasingly essential, but causes that tension grow. In the article describes that it is possible to balance those tensions successfully by implementing four kinds of horizontal integration for achieving cohesion without hierarchy
En: Sloan Management Review. - Boston. - nº 1,Vol. 44, Fall 2002 ; p. 31-38
1. Proceso de integración . 2. Nuevas tecnologías . 3. Innovación empresarial . 4. Dirección de empresas . 5. Ventaja competitiva . 6. Estrategia empresarial . 7. Cultura empresarial . I. Gratton, Lynda . II. Título.