
How to motivate your problem people

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Nicholson, Nigel
How to motivate your problem people / Nigel Nicholson
The article explains a new method to motivate the employees. The method involves shifting the responsability for motivation from subject to object, from boss to subordinate. The manager needs to look at the employee not as a problem to be solved but as a person to be understood. The new method is based on handful of priciples: everyone has motivational energy, this energy is often blocked in the workplace and removing blockages requires employee participation
En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - January 2003 ; p. 57-65
1. Motivación . 2. Recursos humanos . 3. Gestión de recursos humanos . 4. Efectividad organizacional . 5. Organización interna . 6. Teorías motivacionales . I. Título. II. Título: Harvard business review.