
Sustainability and performance

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Funk, Karina
Sustainability and performance / Karina Funk
The article explains the describes a sustainable organizations is one whose characteristics and actions are desined to lead to a desirable future state, for all stakeholders; a desirable future state includes maintaining viability and profitability as well as managing risk while promoting innovation. Companies that actively manage and respond to a wide range of sustainability indicators are better able to create value for all these stakeholders over long term
En: Sloan Management Review. - Boston. - nº 2,Vol. 44, Winter 2003 ; p. 65-70
1. Innovación empresarial . 2. Creatividad . 3. Efectividad organizacional . 4. Beneficios empresariales . 5. Ventaja competitiva . 6. Dirección de empresas . 7. Estrategia empresarial . I. Título.