
An Exploratory analysis of insurer groups

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Título: An Exploratory analysis of insurer groups / L. Lee Colquitt and David W. SommerAutor: Lee Colquitt, L.
Notas: Grouping is a widespread and interesting phenomenon of the insurance industry, among both life-health insurers and property-liability insurers. However, it has never been clear exactly what is being controlled for when such a variable is included. This article attempts to shed light on this question. The study utilizes financial data from the 1994 and 1999 dataRegistros relacionados: En: Risk management and insurance review. - New York : The American Risk and Insurance Association. - Vol. 6, nº 2 Fall 2003 ; p. 83-96Materia / lugar / evento: Grupos aseguradores Estudios estadísticos Casos prácticos Estados Unidos Otros autores: Sommer, David W.
Títulos secundarios: Título: Risk management and insurance review
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