
Enter the watchmen : the critical role of an Ombuds Program in corporate governance

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Redmond, Arlene
Enter the watchmen : the critical role of an Ombuds Program in corporate governance / Arlene Redmond, Randy Williams
For any organization that decides to establish an ombuds office, the key is chartering it to be informal, independent, neutral and confidential. Once established, the Ombuds program will help the company surface information that many not otherwise be available, get the issue to the appropiate resources for resolution, and identify, recommend and effect systemic changes
En: Risk management. - New York. - nº 9, September 2004 ; p. 48-54
1. Organización interna . 2. Programas de seguros . 3. Gobierno corporativo . 4. Empresas de seguros . I. Williams, Randy . II. Título. III. Título: Risk management.