
Frame of reference and adaptation to directional bias in a video-controlled reaching task

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Pennel, Isabelle
Frame of reference and adaptation to directional bias in a video-controlled reaching task / Isabelle Pennel, Yann Coello, Jean-Pierre Orliaguet
The present study investigated spatio-temporal accuracy of horizontal reaching movements controlled visually through a vertical video monitor
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 45, nº 15, December 2002 ; p. 1047-1077
1. Pantallas de visualización de datos . 2. Vídeos . 3. Estudios . 4. Control remoto . 5. Ergonomía . I. Coello, Yann . II. Orliaguet, Jean-Pierre . III. Título. IV. Título: Ergonomics.