
Grasping an augmented object to analyse manipulative force control

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Grasping an augmented object to analyse manipulative force control / Satoru Kawai...[et al.]
Augmented reality allows changes to be made to the visual perception of object size even when the tangible components remain completely unaltered. It was, therefore, utilized in a study whose results are being reported here to provide the proper environment required to thoroughly observe the exact effect that visual change to object size had on programming fingertip forces when objects were lifted with a precision grip
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 45, nº 15, December 2002 ; p. 1091-1102
1. Realidad virtual . 2. Percepción . 3. Teclados . 4. Fuerza muscular . 5. Estudios . I. Kawai, Satoru . II. Título. III. Título: Ergonomics.