
Integrating long-term care insurance purchase decisions with saving and investment for retirement

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Gupta, Aparna
Integrating long-term care insurance purchase decisions with saving and investment for retirement / Aparna Gupta, Lepeng Li
Risk related to long-term care is high for the elderly. Planning for LTC is now regarded as the "third leg" of retirement planning. In this paper, planning for LTC is integrated with saving and investment decisions for an integrated approach to retirement planning. Optimal LTC insurance purchase decisions are obtained by developing a trade-off between post-retirement LTC costs and LTC insurance premiums paid and coverage received. Integrating insurance purchase with wealth evolution, consisting of saving and investment decisions, allows addressing affordability issues
En: Insurance Mathematics & Economics. - Oxford: Elsevier Science. - nº 41, 2007 ; p. 362-381
1. Seguro de dependencia . 2. Productos financieros . 3. Longevidad . 4. Matemática del seguro . 5. Jubilación . I. Li, Lepeng . II. Título.