
Postural effects on biomechanical and psychophysical weight-lifting limits

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Título: Postural effects on biomechanical and psychophysical weight-lifting limits / D.B. Chaffin and G.B. PageAutor: Chaffin, Don B.
Notas: Sumario: The objective of this paper is to compare published, psychophysically determined the maximum acceptable weight limit values to hand loads that would result in biomechanically predicted L4/L5 compression forces of 3400 N, which is the NIOSH threshold of risk for low-back pain. The comparisons would be for infrequent, floor-to-knuckle level lifting under both symmetric and asymmetric conditions. Varied initial horizontal hand locations and postures are included in the comparisons to determine how sensitive the findings are to hand positions used in lifting. Infrequent lifting of loads from near the floor were chosen for the comparisons because the maximum acceptable weight limit values and biomechanical stresses on the back are both relatively high and hence any differences between the values may be better distinguishedRegistros relacionados: En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 37, nº 4, April 1994 ; p. 663-676Materia / lugar / evento: Ergonomía Carga de materiales Postura Biomecánica Fisiología Columna vertebral Otros autores: Page, G.B.
Títulos secundarios: Título: Ergonomics
Otras clasificaciones: 875