
Cognitive-behavioural treatment for workers with chronic spinal pain : a matched and controlled cohort study in Sweden

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Título: Cognitive-behavioural treatment for workers with chronic spinal pain : a matched and controlled cohort study in Sweden / by I.B. Jensen, A. Nygrem, A. LundinAutor: Jensen, I.B.
Notas: Sumario: The authors report a study wherein they evaluated an outpatient treatment programme designed for long term neck, shoulder, and back pain of employed persons, which was based on cognitive behavioural theory. A distinctive feature of the strategy was that the workplace supervisors of the employees were taught to reinforce the behavioural changes of employed patients. The interventions evaluated in this study included a one day training course for the patients' supervisors within the main training programme for the patients, which lasts four weeks. Thus one objective of the project was to augment the supervisors' understanding of pain and to teach them how to reintegrate employees who had participated in a cognitive-behavioural programme of rehabilitation. The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of multimodal cognitive-behavioural treatment by measuring physical and psychological endpoints among patientsRegistros relacionados: En: Occupational and environmental medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 3, March 1994 ; p. 145-151Materia / lugar / evento: Medicina laboral Enfermedades profesionales Enfermedades crónicas Columna vertebral Rehabilitación Tratamiento médico Otros autores: Nygren, A.
Lundin, Allen M.
Títulos secundarios: Título: Occupational and environmental medicine
Otras clasificaciones: 873