
Work stress in aging police officers

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Título: Work stress in aging police officers / Robun R. M. Gershon, Susan Lin and Xianbin Li Autor: Gershon, Robyn R. M.
Notas: To improve our understanding of this issue in older workers, we assessed and characterized work stress, coping strategies, and stress-related health outcomes in a sample of police officers aged 50 years and older. Registros relacionados: En: Journal of occupational health and environmental medicine. - Towson, MD. - Vol. 44, nº 2, February 2002 ; p. 160-167Materia / lugar / evento: Estrés Policía Edad de jubilación Factores de riesgo Psicología de la prevención Percepción del riesgo Otros autores: Lin, Susan
Li, Xianbin
Títulos secundarios: Título: Journal of occupational and environmental medicine
Otras clasificaciones: 874