
A New relationship-people and cars in the United Kingdom : how UK consumers want cars to fit their lives

A New relationship-people and cars in the United Kingdom : how UK consumers want cars to fit their lives. — [s.l.] : IBM Institute for Business Value, 2017
Sumario: Digital technologies, lifestyle expectations and personal mobility options are changing how UK consumers move around, as well as what they expect from companies that provide mobility solutions. Innovations in how these consumers travel from one point to another, combined with their levels of digital mobility interest, determine how open and ready they are for mobility solutions. Clearly, auto industry executives have a tremendous stake in understanding current and future UK consumers¿ mobility-related behaviors and preferences. We noted one recurring difference of opinion between consumers in mature and growth markets: in the UK and other mature markets, consumers are consistently more conservative when it comes to trying vehicle and mobility innovations. They tend to base their decisions on proven value, while growth market consumers make more aggressive decisions based on perceived value. The more conservative reactions of consumers in the UK and other mature markets to new technology reflect the question, Why do I need it? The mentality of the less hesitant growth market consumers can be summed up by the question, When can I have it?
1. Vehículos autónomos . 2. Movilidad . 3. Movilidad urbana . 4. Transporte de pasajeros . 5. Reducción de riesgos . 6. Nuevas tecnologías . 7. Seguridad vial . 8. Conductores . 9. Tecnología del automóvil .