MAP20071503953 Felipe, A. Recent mortality trends in the Spanish population / By A. Felipe, M. Guillen and A. Pérez-Marín Our research deals with the way that calendar time affects mortality patterns in the Spanish population, and how this information can be used to elaborate predictions. We have used Heligman-Pollard Law number two to model the evolution of Spanish mortality over the period and using univariate time series analysis, we have obtained a prognosis for years 1994 to 2010. En: British Actuarial Journal. - London. - Vol. 8, Part IV, 2002 ; p. 757-786 1. Mortalidad . 2. Análisis demográfico . 3. Estadísticas . 4. Tablas de mortalidad . 5. España . 6. Predicciones . I. Guillen, M. . II. Pérez-Marín, A. . III. Título.