
Pulmonary impairment in workers exposed to silicon carbide

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Título: Pulmonary impairment in workers exposed to silicon carbide / G. Marcer... [et al.]
Notas: Sumario: In recent years several epidemiological and clinical investigations have suggested that workers employed in silicon carbide (SiC) manufacture may present with specific occupational lung disorders when exposed to contaminants not exceding current standards. This study was conducted to determine the pulmonary effects of exposure to contaminants (SiC, quartz, SO2) developed during the production of SiC abrasive (carborundum)Registros relacionados: En: British journal of industrial medicine. - London and Margate. - nº 7, July 1992 ; p. 489-493Materia / lugar / evento: Medicina laboral Enfermedades profesionales Enfermedades pulmonares Contaminantes químicos Carburo de silicio Industria química Otros autores: Marcer, G.
Títulos secundarios: Título: British journal of industrial medicine
Otras clasificaciones: 873