
A Model of knowledge management and the n-form corporation

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Hedlund, Gunnar
A Model of knowledge management and the n-form corporation / Gunnar Hedlund
Sumario: A model of knowledge management is developed. It builds on the interplay between articulated and tacit knowledge at four different levels: the individual, the small group, the organization, and the interorganizational domain. The model is applied on differences between Western an Japanese patterns of knowledge management. These are related to organizational characteristics, such as employment systems, career patterns, and organization structure
En: Strategic management journal. - Chichester [etc.]. - Special issue, Summer 1994 ; p. 73-90
1. Modelos organizativos . 2. Management . 3. Corporaciones . 4. Estructura empresarial . 5. Organización . I. Título. II. Título: Strategic management journal.