
Moments of greatness : entering the fundamental state of leadership

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Quinn, Robert E.
Moments of greatness : entering the fundamental state of leadership / Robert E. Quinn
Learders are at the top of their game when they act from their deepest values and instincts. Usually they tap into these fundamental qualities during a crisis, but it's possible to do so anytime-in the right frame of mind. Defining the fundamental state -- Preparing for the fundamental state -- Asking four transformative questions -- Applying the fundamental principles -- Inspiring others to high performance
En: Harvard Business Review. - Boston. - Vol. 83, nº 7, July-August 2005 ; p. 75-83
1. Liderazgo . 2. Dirección de empresas . 3. Habilidades directivas . 4. Cambio organizativo . 5. Conductas del líder . 6. Empresas . I. Steele, Richard . II. Título.