Pesquisa de referências

MP3 players and traffic safety : "state of the art"

Recurso electrónico / electronic resource
Meesmann, U.
MP3 players and traffic safety : "state of the art" / U. Meesmann, S. Boets, M. Tant. — Brussels : Belgian Road Safety Observatory, 2009
Sumario: The analysis of the scientific literature on MP3 players and traffic safety can be summarized as follows: The effects of MP3 players on traffic safety is a very complex phenomenon, covering the manual handling, listening to music and auditory limitations which all in themselves again contain several forms of distraction (e.g. visual-; auditory-; biomechanical (physical) - and cognitive distraction
1. Seguridad vial . 2. Prevención de accidentes . 3. Accidentes de tráfico . 4. Distracción . 5. Aparatos de música . 6. Cognición . 7. MP3 . 8. Bélgica . I. Boets, S. . II. Tant, M. . III. Belgian Road Safety Institute . IV. Título.