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MORE 23 - 1st CC+ I Seminar of The Geneva Association : 19-20 October 2009, Bogotá. XXXII Hemispheric Insurance Conference FIDES 2009 (selection) : 1-4 november 2009. Las Vegas

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<title>MORE 23 - 1st CC+ I Seminar of The Geneva Association</title>
<subTitle> : 19-20 October 2009, Bogotá. XXXII Hemispheric Insurance Conference FIDES 2009 (selection) : 1-4 november 2009. Las Vegas</subTitle>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">MORE 23 - 1st CC + I : Climate Change in the Context of Sustainable Development. The Insurance Industry and Climate Change Report of The Geneva Association / Walter R. Stahel; An Overview of the IPCC Report in Latin America and the Chilean Case / Cristian Parker ; Climate Change Seen Through the Eyes of a Latin American Insurance Expert / Luis J. Alvarez Marcén ; Sustaining Private Sector Investment in the Wake of Climate Change /  Jill Partington ; Climate Change and Human Health in Latin America: Drivers, Effects, Policies / Ana Rosa Moreno ; Global Climate and Environmental Change: Causes, Impacts and Challenges / German Poveda ; The Objective Responsibility and Strict Liability Concepts in Damages Caused by Climate Changes and the Use of Space of Differentiation and Foreseight for Assessing Attributions and Risks to Major Enterprises / Durval Freire de Carvalho Olivieri ; Potential Impacts of Climate Change in Latin American Cities / Raquel Szalachman ; Insurance Industry and Climate Change with a Latin American Focus. Reinsurer's Panel / German Aguirre ; The Catlin Artic Survey / Xamira Groves ; Swiss Re's Approach to Climate Change / Francisco Majos ; Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Latin American Insurance Industry / Hernan Tovar -- XXXII Hemispheric Insurance Conference FIDES 2009 : Climate Change Adaptation and the Role of Insurance Products / Mark Way ; Storm-proofing Homes and Businesses / Julie Rochman ; Climate Change and Variability: Impacts for the Reinsurance Industry / Craig Tillman</tableOfContents>
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