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7th Insurance and Finance Seminar of the Geneva Association, 6-7 December 2010, London. Presentations on the Geneva Association's financial stability insurance initiative

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<title>7th Insurance and Finance Seminar of the Geneva Association, 6-7 December 2010, London. Presentations on the Geneva Association's financial stability insurance initiative</title>
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<namePart>Association Internationale pour I'Etude de I'Economie de I'Assurance</namePart>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Lessons of the recent decade and insurance in the new market normal / Simen Vier Simensen -- Strategic challenges : the CEO perspective / Donald A. Stewart -- Responding to financial challenges in a changed world / Michael A. Sproule -- Responding to the financial challenges in a changed world: the CFO perspective  / Philip V. Bancroft -- Responding to the financial challenges in a changed world / George Quinn -- Responding to the financial challenges in a changed world: the Lloyd's perspective / Luke Savage -- Prospects and challenges for Indian insurance industry / Ramalinga Kannan -- Global insurance regulation in a changed world / Carlos Montalvo Rebuelta -- Our views on differentiated nature and scope of financial regulation / Makoto Okubo -- The Insurance industry's appeal to investors / Brian Shea -- Exposure draft: insurance contracts / Elke König -- Discussion paper. Preliminary views on insurance contracts / Marc A. Siegel -- IFRS Phase II / Tim Harris -- Considerations in respect of IFRS 4 Phase 2 / Burkhard Keese -- The Allstate Corporation: IASB exposure draft / Kevin Spataro -- IFRS insurance contract exposure Draft / Lynda Sullivan -- Industry's response to IAIS and FSB project on systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs), December 2010 / Axel Lehmann, Raj Singh -- Assessment of systemic rirsk indicators in the insurance Sector, February 2011 /- Axel Lehmann, Stan Talbi -- Insurance Industry's perspective on and contribution to the G20-FSB-IAIS project on systemic risk, March 2011</tableOfContents>
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