MAP20120035959 European credit risk outlook : results of the fifth European credit risk managers survey. — London ; Paris : FICO : EFMA, 2012 (July 2012) Sumario: FICO and EFMA conducted a survey of credit trends in May-June 2012 with risk professionals in Europe. The aim of this survey is to provide a forward view of potential growth and challenges in the granting of consumer credit: key findings and analysis; respondents' profile 1. Riesgo crediticio . 2. Gerencia de riesgos . 3. Entidades financieras . 4. Crisis financiera . 5. Banca . 6. Financiación de los riesgos . 7. Microcréditos . 8. Encuestas . 9. Unión Europea . I. FICO . II. Asociación Europea de Dirección y Marketing Financiero .