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Global marine insurance report 2014

Seltmann, Astrid
Global marine insurance report 2014 / Astrid Seltmann. — Hamburg : International Union of Marine Insurance, 2014
Conference presented in Annual Conferences IUMI, Hong Kong 2014

Sumario: Goal of 2014 market update -- Building up market data - premiums -- Marine premium 2008-2013, as of 2014 -- Marine Premium 2013 by line of business -- Marine Premium 2013, by region -- P&I Clubs International Group -- Cargo: market & results -- Hull: market & results -- Offshore Energy: market & results -- Explanation of technical terms
1. Seguro marítimo . 2. Mercado de seguros . 3. Resultados del ejercicio . 4. Clubs de Protección e Indemnización . 5. Estadísticas . I. International Union of Marine Insurance . II. Annual Conferences (21014: Hong Kong) .