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The Enemy within : cyber crime in Latin America

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
Dimas, Alicia
The Enemy within : cyber crime in Latin America / Alicia Dimas
Sumario: As cyber crime awareness increases in Latin America, companies realise not all threats come from the world outside, but some are in fact closer than they think. Usually businesses fear the unknown criminal and the faceless hacker, however threats to their cyber-security can be closer than they think. Either willingly or unintentionally, employees cause or facilitate a high number of cyber-attacks on businesses worldwide. Tácito Augusto Silva Leite, local information security officer for information systems and security at Indra Brasil, says this is particularly worrisome in Latin America, since the region is still lagging behind on cyber awareness and the majority of the people are not educated on cyber-security
En: Latamir. - London : Pageant Media, 2016. - 05/09/2016 Número 60 - septiembre 2016 , p. 22-25
1. Ciberseguridad . 2. Ciberataques . 3. Ciberriesgos . 4. Riesgo tecnológico . 5. Gerencia de riesgos . 6. Evolución tecnológica . 7. Riesgos emergentes . 8. América Latina . I. Título.