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European earthquake : a case of the shakes

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
Booth, Garry
European earthquake : a case of the shakes / Garry Booth
Sumario: The recent earthquake in Italy showed the destructive potential of earthquakes in Europe - but there could be worse around the corner, experts warn
En: Reactions. - London : Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC, 1981- = ISSN 0953-5640. - 03/10/2016 Número 9 - octubre 2016 , p. 36-37
1. Mercado de seguros . 2. Seguro de riesgos extraordinarios . 3. Riesgos naturales . 4. Desastres naturales . 5. Terremotos . 6. Europa . I. Título.