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Innovation in Europe

Recurso electrónico / Electronic resource
Innovation in Europe / Jacques Bughin... [et al.]. — New York : McKinsey & Company, 2019
28 p.
Sumario: Europe a century ago was the global powerhouse of innovation, but it has largely lost its edge: today, despite some notable exceptions, most innovation and innovative companies are found elsewhere. Europe is falling behind in growing sectors as well as in areas of innovation such as genomics, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence, where it is being outpaced by the United States and China. This discussion paper suggests five paths for the continent to regain its competitive edge, not by trying to play catch-up while hindered by fragmentation and lack of scale, but by changing the game to build on its strengths
1. Innovación . 2. Innovación disruptiva . 3. Innovación empresarial . 4. Europa . I. Bughin, Jacques . II. McKinsey & Company . III. McKinsey Global Institute . IV. Título.